man‎Carl Theodor Klakring‏‎, søn af Niels Madsen Klakring og Dorothea "Dorothea Klakring" Bendsen‏.
Egen kode: 6120, født ‎18 Aug 1821 Adelgade No.257, Trinitatis sogn, Kbh. amt‎ 1)
I 1850 arbejder Carl Theodor som kobberstikker i Kbh. I ca.1869 emigrerer han til Amerika med sønnen Olaf, der er bødker. Citat fra Danishmuseum i USA:
In Annapolis, Maryland, the one runs across the name Klakring without necessarily realizing that the references are to the descendants of Danish immigrants. Carl Theodor Klakring was born in Copenhagen in 1821, the oldest son of a small shopkeeper, Niels Madsen Klakring, and his wife, Dorthea. Carl trained as a copperplate engraver and by 1850 he was working in his profession, had married, and fathered a son named Olaf. The family lived in Holmen parish, one of the Copenhagen neighborhoods close to the Danish naval shipyards. Sometime in the 1850s Carl’s wife apparently died; he fostered out his son and came to the Washington, DC, where he married a young German immigrant woman in 1860, changed his name to Charles, and had a second family. He continued to live and work as an engraver in the nation’s capital until his death in the late 1890s.

Døbt som barn (‎11 Jan 1822 Trinitatis kirke)
Folketælling (‎01 Feb 1834 Adelgade 257,Stue Etagen, 1, Kbh. sogn) 2)
Folketælling (‎01 Feb 1840 Adelgade, Huuset nr. 250, Stuen th, Kbh. sogn) 2)
Folketælling (‎01 Feb 1850 Dybensgade 178, 1ste sal til wenstre, Kbh. sogn) 2)

Gift ‎23 Jun 1846 Vor Frelser kirke, age 24 år 3)
Skilt ‎1859 Kbh.'s Overpræsidium (married 12 eller 13 år) fra:

womanCaroline L. "Caroline L. Klakring, Caroline L. Søborg" Tønnesen‏ 3) 3), age by marriage 22 år, datter af Søren Tønnesen og Marie "Marie Tønnesen" Møller‏.
Egen kode: 6117, født ‎03 Maj 1824 Vor Frelser sogn, Kbh. amt‎ 1), døde ‎± 1900 Ukendt sogn‎, age sådan ca. 76 år, ‎1st ægteskab (skilt) med: Carl Theodor Klakring, 2nd married/ related med: Mads Sørensen Winding, 3rd ægteskab med: Christian Peter Søborg
Det korrekte fødenavn er: Caroline Lorine Tønnesen. Caroline ansøger Kbh.'s Overpræsidium om separation i 1850/51 og får bevilget skilsmisse fra Carl Theodor i 1859. I 1861 bliver gift igen, da hun i FT1880 nævnes med efternavnet Søborg. Efter skilsmissen arbejder hun som jordemoder i Kbh. Den 1. maj 1892 bliver hun registreret i Kbh.'s Politi Registerblade på adressen Stengade 24 1.sal - og hun dør formentlig omkring år 1900.

Døbt som barn (‎04 Jun 1824 Vor Frelser kirke)
Folketælling (‎01 Feb 1845 Møntergade 136, Kbh. sogn) 2)
Folketælling (‎01 Feb 1850 Dybensgade 178, 1ste sal til wenstre, Kbh. sogn) 2)
Folketælling (‎01 Feb 1860 Sankt Annæ Vester Kvarter, Kbh. sogn) 2)
Folketælling (‎01 Feb 1880 Landemærket 49 Forhuset 1.sal, Kbh. sogn) 2)
Folketælling (‎01 Feb 1885 Gothersgade 77 1.Sal th., Kbh. sogn) 2)


man‎Olaf Klakring‏‎
Egen kode: 6121, født ‎25 Aug 1849 Nellikegade 178, Holmens sogn, Kbh. amt‎ 1), døde ‎13 Jan 1908 Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland amt, Amerika‎, age 58 år
I 1860 er Olaf plejebarn i Adelgade No. 257 og ved konfirmationen i 1864 er han tilmeldt adrssen Adelgade 103. Den 12/1-65 indskrives Olaf til aftjening af militærtjeneste med lægdsrullenr. P 1261. På det tidspunkt bor han på adressen Adelgade 103 stuen og den 13/9-66 er han registreret på adressen Smedegade 14 3.sal. På lægdsrullen for den 11/10 69 står der "Anm. Afr. til Udl." og den 27/6-71 er der noteret, at han er "Løst fra sit undersaatlige Forhold til Danmark." - da han emigrerede til Amerika sammen med faderen den 14/10-1869:

Navn: Klakring, OlufStilling: Bødker
Alder: 20Bestemmelsessted: Washington, Columbia
Kontrakt nr.: 660800Forevisningsdato: 14-10-1869
Sidste oph.sogn: KøbenhavnSidste oph. amt: København
Sidste oph.sted: Kbhn.Bestemmelses land: USA
Bestemmelses by: WashingtonBestemmelses stat: Washington DC
Skibsnavn: Indirekte
IDkode: I6971K0306

Citat fra Danishmuseum i USA:
In 1869 Olaf Klakring, now 20 years old and a trained cooper, became the 2nd generation of the family to come to the U.S. He gravitated to Annapolis, married an American girl, and raised a large family while working as a barber there for several decades. Olaf’s 2nd son, Leslie, born in 1883, was a lifelong resident of Annapolis and employed for many years at the U.S. Naval Academy, where his only child, Thomas Burton Klakring (1904-1975), became a midshipman. Following his graduation in 1925 one of the young officer’s first postings was on a submarine stationed in the Panama Canal Zone. From 1941 to 1943 Lt. Commander Klakring distinguished himself when the USS GUARDFISH, a submarine he commanded, was sent to patrol off the coast of Japan. Without the benefit of sonar or other sophisticated equipment his vessel sighted and torpedoed 77 Japanese vessels in just over a month. The GUARDFISH continued to chalk up an impressive record during subsequent patrols. For his heroism during the war, Thomas Klakring was promoted to Rear Admiral and awarded the Navy Cross with two Gold Stars, the Silver Star, Bronze Star and numerous other decorations; the GUARDFISH was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation while under his command.
Admiral Klakring died in 1975. In 1983 the USS KLAKRING, an Oliver Perry class frigate, was commissioned as part of the U.S. Navy, honoring this notable descendant of a sea-faring nation. Images of the USS KLAKRING and further information about the Admiral may be seen on the official vessel website.

Døbt som barn (‎23 Sep 1849 Holmens kirke)
Folketælling (‎01 Feb 1860 Adelgade No.257, Kbh. sogn) 2)
Konfirmation (‎1864 Helligånds kirke) 4)

womanAndrea "Andrea Pedersen" Klakring‏ 3)
Egen kode: 6115, født ‎01 Nov 1852 Den Kgl. Fødselsstiftelse, Kbh. sogn, Kbh. amt‎ 1), døde ‎13 Aug 1891 Nybrogade 16 1.sal, Helligånds sogn, Kbh.amt‎, age 38 år 5), begravet ‎19 Aug 1891 Helligånds kirken
Andrea anmoder Kbh.s' Overpræsidium om separation i 1879 og bliver endelig skilt fra Johan Peder i 1882. Fra 1880 bliver Andrea jordemoderelev på Fødselsstiftelsen og arbejder siden som jordemoder ligesom moderen.

Døbt som barn (‎02 Nov 1852 Den Kgl. Fødselsstiftelse kirke)
Folketælling (‎01 Feb 1860 Sankt Annæ Vester Kvarter, Kbh. sogn) 2)
Folketælling (‎01 Feb 1880 Landemærket 49 Forhuset 1.sal, Kbh. sogn) 2)
Folketælling (‎01 Feb 1885 Gothersgade 32 Matr. 14 Forhus 2. Sal, Kbh. sogn) 2)


1) kilde: Fødsel
2) kilde: Folketælling
3) kilde: Kirkelig vielse
4) kilde: Konfirmeret
5) kilde: Død